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Birthday Celebration of H.H The Dalai Lama

Breif  introduction about birthday celebration event of His holiness the Dalai Lama which is celebrated particularly in Gashar Lhopa Khangtsen.

The birthday celebration event of H.H in Lhopa khangtsen  began since few years ago back. Here is  some detail of it, how did it started and still going on until today.
In the year of 2004 , the former ex-teacher of Gaden Shartse School  Ven. Geshe Lobsang Tenpa started to celebrate the birthday event of His holiness with the presence of Tulku Tenzin Tsering, including some other roommates of Tulku la. This was the beginning of the event.
In the year of 2008 again Ven. Tulku Tenzin Tsering la revived the event with students of khangtsen. Now on this event some respected teachers of this khangtsen were invited. The event started at from evening with long life prayer of his holiness and by serving some sweeting snacks like huge cake, cold drinks, milk, tea and some other things. Event was organized in the library Lhopa khangtsen. After one year gap in 2010 again event was celebrated on the courtyard of this khangtsen cheerfully.
After celebrating some minor events before. Now the year of 2015 was major event which was ever celebrated. This birthday event was the day of completion of 80th birthday of His holiness which was widely celebrated all over the world . On this great an auspicious day we too grabbed the opportunity to pay a little amount of contribution by concerning to take care of environment with planting more trees. This campaign was practiced as the path shown by His holiness. He always mentions about taking care of mother nature in his most of speeches which we implemented by taking a small step toward. Over all, this event was accomplished with grand and in a cheerful  way.All the expenses was offered by ex-monks of this Khangtsen and some by our  beloved and respected sponsors
In the year of 2017 we had some special guests who came a far all the way from USA and from other countries. .
This is the brief information about the  birthday celebration event of his holiness which is celebrated particularly in Gashar Lhopa Khangtsen. Which describes about how it was began, how it is celebrating nowdays. Reason behind celebrating this event is to spread a peaceful message of love, compassion and kindness of his holiness throughout the globe. Our goal is to preserve this peaceful and worthy campaign furthermore in upcoming days. To keep this alive we are looking forward a support and help of yours. If anyone has a keen  interest to take a part of it. So, please let us know by contacting us with contact given below.  Thank you!!!

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